
Head Lice

In the mild southern climate, the incidence of head lice infestation tends to rise. During such times, panic often ensues, and various measures are taken to rid households of these tiny nuisances. Here, we aim to provide you with well-founded information and recommendations for effectively dealing with head lice.

Facts About Head Lice:

Head lice are small parasites that settle on the scalp. It’s crucial to emphasize that head lice infestation has nothing to do with personal hygiene. Lice thrive on clean heads and primarily spread through direct head-to-head contact.

Transmission and At-Risk Groups:

Particularly affected are young children, especially girls, due to their close contact with one another. Transmission through objects like hats or clothing is unlikely, and animals do not transmit head lice.

Measures for Head Lice Infestation:

Treatment with Permethrin:

Our recommendation is the application of Permethrin, a medicinal lice shampoo (prescription required). Resistance to it is still scarce in Spain and Germany. The treatment should be a one-time application, with a repeat after one week.

Removing Nits:

To remove nits, we suggest a vinegar-water rinse, followed by thorough combing with a lice comb.

Family-Wide Treatment:

All family members should be treated simultaneously to prevent re-infection.

Hygiene Practices:

It’s important to clean personal items such as combs, brushes, and hair ties in a 60-degree soapy solution. Washing bedding, pajamas, and towels is advisable, while cleaning beds and upholstered furniture is not necessary.

Hair Cutting:

Cutting hair is ineffective as lice are comfortable even in short hair.

Informing the Environment

Inform your surroundings, including school, family, and friends, to prevent the spread and re-infestation.

Binding Long Hair Together:

As head lice move from hair to hair, tying long hair together can be helpful.

Prophylactic Products:

Ensure that products with prophylactic effects are based on essential oils, as these evaporate after three hours and lose their effectiveness.

