Skin cancer | mySkin Mallorca

Skin Cancer – Understanding How It Develops

Every sunburn, especially in childhood, increases the risk of skin cancer. Risk factors also include numerous moles, a fair skin type, and genetic influences. In addition to the dangerous melanoma, there are other types of skin cancer like actinic keratoses, caused by UV rays.

Detecting and Treating Skin Cancer:

Dermatologists at mySkin can identify and treat skin cancer early. With modern digital dermatoscopy and artificial intelligence-supported analysis, we enable early diagnosis and optimal treatment.

What Does Black Skin Cancer Look Like?

Melanomas can clinically appear as flat spots, nodules, or lumps and can vary in color, including red, brown, black, or shaded tones. They can occur anywhere on the body, both in UV-exposed and non-exposed areas.

Melanom on arm
Melanom closeup

During the full body skin check at the mySkin clinic, this melanoma on the arm was noticed. Only in the video dermatoscope do you see the obvious irregularities.

How Serious is Skin Cancer?

Melanomas are considered particularly dangerous due to their early tendency to metastasize, which can be life-threatening. Cure rates depend significantly on the depth of melanoma at the time of discovery. Early detection makes malignant melanoma curable.

What is a Mole?

A mole is a collection of pigment-forming cells in the skin, ranging in color from light to dark brown. These are usually harmless and develop due to genetic predisposition.

Types of Skin Cancer:

Essentially, we differentiate between two forms of skin cancer: Black Skin Cancer (Melanoma) and Light Skin Cancer (Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and their precursors, known as actinic keratoses).

basal cell carcinoma nose
basal cell carcinoma closeup

Especially on the face, a white skin cancer can initially look like a non-healing “pimple”. In the video dermatoscope you can see the hemispherical skin tumour with dilated vessels.

Basal cell carcinoma cheek closeup
Basal cell carcinoma cheek closeup

Basal cell carcinomas often form on the so-called “sun terraces” such as the forehead, cheeks and nose due to stronger sun exposure. Only in the video dermatoscope can the dilated vessels typical of white skin cancer be recognised.

Precancerous skin lesions (actinic keratoses)

Skin cancer precursors (actinische Keratosen) often occur on sun-exposed areas and are caused by long-term UV radiation, potentially progressing to invasive squamous cell carcinoma if not discovered in time. People with fair skin and active outdoor lifestyles, such as golfers, tennis players, cyclists, and water sports enthusiasts, are particularly at risk.

Actinic keratoses
Actinic keratoses closeup
Actinic keratoses closeup

Here you can see the typical distribution of actinic keratoses on the forehead with videodermatoscopic images. A typical feature is the rough feeling on the skin, which you can feel yourself.

Am I at Risk for Skin Cancer?

If you have a fair skin type, numerous moles, experienced sunburns in childhood, genetic predispositions, or a family history of skin cancer, it is advisable to regularly consult a dermatologist.

Common Symptoms of Skin Cancer:

Should you observe changes in existing moles, the appearance of new moles, or unusual sensitivity, seeking the advice of a specialist is recommended. During self-examination, follow the ABCDE rule:

  • A = Asymmetry: uneven, asymmetrical shape
  • B = Border: fringed, jagged, or blurred edges
  • C = Coloration: different color components (brown, gray, black, or red tones)
  • D = Diameter: larger than 5 mm
  • E = Evolution/Elevation: newly formed, changes in the last three months, rapid growth, bleeding, itching, nodular surface
Melanom ABCDE-Rule


Here you can see a melanoma in the videodermatoscope. The margins are uneven, the border is fringed, the lesion is multicoloured, the largest diameter is larger than 5 mm.

If you notice any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to visit our mySkin clinic. Using the latest technologies, we determine whether there is a health problem or not – seek advice!

When was your last skin check?

Regular, annual skin cancer screening is the best and most effective way to detect skin cancer at an early stage and, if necessary, to treat it specifically.

We will be happy to include you in our recall system and remind you of the next check once a year by e-mail or WhatsApp.

In case of changes in your skin, please make an appointment with our specialists as soon as possible!