Skin check video
Mole Screening: Do our Video skin check now!
The number of skin cancer cases has increased dramatically over recent years. Video documentation of your moles is a safe way to detect skin cancer early. It is important that you monitor your moles continuously, because taking precaution helps the curing process. mySkin works with the latest diagnostic equipment to ensure skin cancer is detected early. Birthmarks are photographed by a high-performance electronic digital camera with microscopic resolution, and these are archived and then processed by the computer for an analysis.
Electronic storage of your skin allows for an objective and detailed comparison of past and present skin results as part of an annual check-up. Each optical change in birthmarks can therefore be identified clearly. Overlooking any changes made by electronic storage can be ruled out in people who have a large number of moles. Any operations on harmless models which have not changed can be avoided by continuously monitoring and storing the skin condition.
However, if any pathological changes are detected, then the microscopically accurate diagnosis helps to plan the extent of outpatient surgery required for removing the marks more constructively and more safely.
When was your last skin check?
We will be happy to add you to our recall system, and remind you once a year of your next check either by e-mail or by telephone.